
ZCB600RX Flexible vitrified wall tile adhesive
ZCB600RX Flexible vitrified wall tile adhesive
Rarely Hollowing
ZCB600RX Flexible vitrified wall tile adhesive
MACO Group with products having all passed the world’s four major stringent environmental certifications, namely, GEV EMICODE [EC1PLUS] certification, UL GREENGUARD [Gold] certification, Eurofins IAC [Gold] certification, and French VOC regulation [A+] standard., the above certification represents today's world's stringent environmental standards and levels.
Packing Spec
Product category
water-based adhesive —others, the VOC content ≤150g/L.
be used for
suitable for fixing various large size ceramic boards less than 1600 mm × 3200 mm and with water absorption < 0.5% on indoor walls, and also suitable for usage on substrate with deformation risks.
Product Information
Value Contribution:

Air-cleaning technology, free of additive*, High strength, rarely hollowing, flexible, special for large size ceramic boards.

No-additive technology is adopted, so no formaldehyde, VOC (volatile organic compounds) or benzene homologs and derivates are added in the formula design and during production process.

Construction Steps